Saturday, December 1, 2012

December 1st!

Today is December 1st! Therefore, I made a new Christmas style! As you know this blog will be online longer than the end of the year.
Deleting blog: 1.1.2013
Days to delete: 30
It was therefore a great job with you!
Pandanda is deleted 34 days now!
So when I deleted the blog i will pandaspace, facebook, and you can also find me on skype!
Christmas is coming and New Year as well.
I would like to tell you that you can be in our chat and chat!
See all posts on this blog and remember to Pandanda!
You can write to me and ask anything you want! My email is

Blog team!

Hi jot and friends,
Jot you did a very nice Christmas style for blog :) Good job ;)
You should not have to delete the blog, could keep him in memories as well as some others.
I just want to correct you that Pandaspace now called as follows:
Please, come everyone online more often to look for Pandaspace ( I'm there every day online
And also I am on Facebook, Skype, Twitter and email:
Happy early December!

Your friend Lisiana

Friday, November 23, 2012

Twilight Breaking dawn part 2 time!

Hello guys! Twilight is already 8 days after the premiere. I just downloaded the film, and here I give you some pictures of the last film.

here it's :

Finals will be immortal.
Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn part 2

Administrator - jot33

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Pandanda Memories

 I joined Pandanda on the 4th of March, 2010. I wore yellow paint, a New Zealand top, and non member jeans for a while. Fortunately, the Easter egg hunt started, so I got a better outfit, lol. That was also when I got my first dragon, Kauli. I wouldn't have been able to play pandanda without my best friend irl, BlueIsGood. she told me how to play pandanda and introduced me to some really cool pandas.

I became a member on April 9, 2010. (I know because my first small member dragon, Violet, was born on that day!) I had a TERRIBLE fashion sense, But those were the best months ever... The Old Days. I really miss that time. There were some really cool parties. I remember this one where all of my current friends came, and also were all my FUTURE friends came too! That was one cool party.

Quests started! One of my favourite pandanda memories was the Level 5 party! I woke up at 5 am for it. Again, a lot of my friends/friends in the future were there, but it was mostly cool because it really felt like you were part of a huge community. And you got a free hoodie! Lol! I also got to be in 2 solo pics.

Then Christmas came. I remember that was when we got our first hand items...

Then, my computer broke so I quit for a few months. I fell behind on quests. I even cancelled my member! But then I came back... That was part 2 of my pandanda life. My old friends had quit, and pandas that had quit had come back. I found some new friends that were really cool. Blu and I opened a blog. It wasn't the same as the old days, but it was still pretty cool.  I found some cool outfits, lol. I even quested a bit, so I managed to get my grey dragon! I remember the quest. My friends followed me around while I did the dragon quest.

Some of my best memories have been helping pandas. I used to help new pandas, same as my friend Blu helped me when I joined. I also told pandas about the rules, and I "stopped" hackers. It's an amazing feeling to know you have HELPED somebody.

One of my favourite things about pandanda are the glitches. The 2 RanRans (2 of the same panda) in bear hollow. Walking on roofs. Dancing on the fishing hole. Hiding under the chat bar. Teaching pandas how to do those glitches. Pretending to be Fishy Joe. the time Cube somehow typed about 200 % letters in the chat bar, and filled bear hollow with % signs.

Basically, Pandanda has changed my life. It's even changed the way I talk irl and online. And it's given me my nickname irl and online!

I have some amazing memories of PD, way to many to write. Thanks to pd I know how to edit pics, take screenshots, etc.

I'm so sad it has to end. I wish we could keep Pandanda open. Pandanda was INCREDIBLE while it lasted. 

 On Pandanda,I met some of my best friends, which hardly going to keep in touch....I'm romanian,so I need to learn English..that game helped me very much...talking with kids from all the world, I learned new I love that language...when i'll grow, I wish to go in USA, to work of my dreams...
I play Pandanda since Beta,but every week I log to see my friends,the news... And,now one of my dearest memories was when I logged first time (on july,2009 I think) : I looked at all "bears" (then though that pandas are bears, hahaha)which danced, walked; some of them could change their size.....I started to investigate,and I discovered potions.... At a time, I saw that one player said "Hello" to me...I said "hello" too, and we started to change informations. Slowly, I began to make new friends, I discovered new rooms. 

I just want to say that im really sad to see Pandanda go. I stopped playing about a year ago for various reasons and now the news of closing has suddenly hit me. It's reminded me of all the amazing times I have had. Before Pandanda I had no online friends and now I have loads, without Pandanda I wouldnt have explored other virtual worlds, meet amazing people like yourselves.

I will always remember the day when discovered the Pandanda game. It was at the end of May, 2010.One of my friend, coltisor (that's the panda name) comes and tells me about a very interesting game - Pandanda, sure! He tells me a lot of things about this game. He teach me all the things you can do in this cool game! When I learned all the basic things, I was going to tell to the other three best friends, trugure259, ghray and uendy66 (that's the pandas name) about this game.Strugure was created her panda on 11 June, and after 5 days, at the beautiful day of 16 June 2010 (when it was Summer Festival,one of my favourite celebration), i created my panda! I was so excited! Because her favourite colour is orange,the colour of the fur was this. After I created her, ghray and uendy66 created their accounts at our first day of Free Elite Member Day.(17 July 2010). 

What about if we don't discover Pandanda at that moment? Maybe we get bored all the vacation! Now I realise how lucky we are!
The Pandanda game was another world to have fun in.This game helped us to learn more English words (because we are from Romania),to meet new friends and learn and attend at other celebrations (we don't have Halloween,Thanksgiving day...).

All the festivals and other celebrations was very interesting. I like them all,but my favourites are Winter Festival(Christmas), Summer Festival, Pumpkin Festival, 4th Of July, Ghost Day, Free Elite Member Day, Halloween, Cinco de Mayo, and my panda's birthday,sure!  I will miss my pandas, my dragons, my friends and Pandanda so much!   

I remember registering on Pandanda 3 years ago. The game didn't seem like anything special at the start, but then I started playing and getting new friends and I kind of started to love this new virtual world. I met a lot of friends like Tomironi, ggutev, AltoBhai, Rikkitimu, Depsu, Mecool, Sandano and others. I remember the great times we had in BETA and after that. I have watched how Pandanda has grown through these years... back then, we didn't have Coconut beach, Harvest Grove or any of the festivals. We still had fun no matter what. In the past months I don't play Pandanda as much as I did back then, but I still remember it with the warmest memories. Pandanda will always have a little place in my heart. Paw to paw, ear to ear. We are strong pandas together! 

Pandanda give me many happy moments, I met good "pandas", I did funny things ... I was an Really Happy Panda!!! Pandanda is one of the best games that I played in all my life ... Pandanda is fun, it's cute, it's AMAZING!

But, these months ago, I wasn't play Pandanda soo much, I'm 14 years old now, and, I have compromises with the school and my family too ... 

I just can remember the good moments, because, in pandanda, I just had good moments !!! Halloween and Winter were my favorite festivals!  And how about Zing? Ah! Zing was AWESOME! I'd love to colect the Golden Tickets! And the Quests! It was really cool! My Dragon Pet, called "blink", I think he will miss Pandanda too ... !!! And the Furniture and the Clothes! Oh! It was one of my favorite things to do in Pandanda! I'd love to bought the New Itens! I was always changing my TreeHouse ... I'm a good decorator! :P I have horses, sleeds, poneys!

Well, I'll miss Pandanda soo Much! You changed my Life! And I'll Never Forget You! Never! Thanks for all the Good Memories! Thanks for Everything! Thanks Henry, Thanks all the Mods, for made Pandanda, a safety and amazing Place to us!

Here are some of my Pandanda memories!
July 30th, 2011. My first ever elite member day! I was SO excited I forgot to buy stuff!
The beach party from August 2011. I met Henry for the first time!
Harvest Festival 2011. My first ever festival! I got all the prizes! They were so awesome and epic!
New years 2012! It was so epic! The fireworks were awesome! I still have my party hat from it!
Cinco de mayo 2012! The decorations and music were awesome! I even made a pandanda movie of it!
The Follow That Arrow contest was pretty awesome. And even though its happening right now, the Pumpkin Festival 2012 is great! 

My Favourite memories of pandanda were:

1. When I signed up. I saw the game and I was Like Wow this is a cool game and sooner or later it became my favourite game!
2. When I Added Henry. He Was The Friendliest Panda Ive Ever Met!
3. When I Won The "Follow That Arrow Contest". I Became a member but sadly im not able to spend my time celebrating being a member until march!

Thanks a Lot Pandanda, Henry , Mods and Pandas For Making my stay At Pandanda the Best. Miss You Heaps Pandanda :(
So my best memory is called Beta time. They were the good old  festivals I've loved and most of all a wonderful Christmas festival. times to be together with panda friends and enjoy winter. I can not also forget my pets - and those dragonet. I also wanted to thank you for it that I could be with them. Also memory when I first arrived on Pandanda and severely entertained me. Although I am no longer a boy but my memories of the pandas and they remain in my heart. :) ... Thank you Henry for ever invented Pandanda even now end up really thank you also for the other pandas.

Yes, because I have been a sound member and I have enjoyed every second I could. The news, the games, the parties, the surprises...everything!

I have lived with and for Pandanda 1 year, that means 365 days, not calculating the hours, minutes and seconds... That would lead to astronomic figures... Yes!!! That would change my feeling into a better one. That would mean that I must be grateful for the great moments we have shared. My childhood and my life will keep this sweet memmory, to the deep chords of my heart.

Should I be sad? Should I be happy? I am both as I have had the unique opportunity of meeting the Pandanda Universe. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I am Pingu83846 on Pandanda.  I joined on the 8th of January 2010 when I was 8 years old. Today it is the 22nd of October 2012. I am now 11 years old and I have been playing Pandanda for nearly 3 years. I have loved Pandanda for those years.

I have many memories on Pandanda. On the day I joined, I met a panda called Sammy19. We met in East Market Street.  I also met Buxton in Bear Hollow. We have been friends since a few weeks of being on Pandanda. Also Safe99 I met on Pandanda in Willow,  Bear Hollow, on the right side of the fountain. We met in April 2011. Safe99 is now Safe9999. I have lots of great friends on Pandanda like Sunnyday55, Alex55333, Goofyericson, Omma14, Pannu25, Sissyiscool and many more!

We want to say thank you to the Pandanda Designers for making Pandanda look absolutely amazing and wonderful! Thank you to the Pandanda Moderators for coming on and chatting to us pandas and playing games with us. Also, thanks for making sure Pandanda is keeping well and nobody is being bad! Thank you to Sheriff Steele for making sure Pandanda is a great safe place where nobody can worry about anything!

Most of all... Thank you so much to Henry who made Pandanda, who came online to talk to pandas, organized things on Pandanda, writing your blog always up to date so pandas could see what is happening in Pandanda, you brought us pandas together and the best thing of all, you made Pandanda! Thank you to the rest who made Pandanda!

Some people actually spend whole days on the site you all made! I know it sounds a bit sad sitting in front of a computer screen all day, but they actually LOVE Pandanda and they spend ages on it! Doing quests, looking after dragons, chatting to friends, buying things, selling things, decorating themselves, decorating their treehouse and much more!
Goodbye... Pandanda... You will always be in my heart... everybody's heart...

I'm sad about you guys closing, but I would like to thank you for the joy your website has given me.

On Pandanda, I have met great friends. Everyone on Pandanda has been fantastic.
I have stuck with Pandanda the longest because you couldn't get bored. There was too much to do. When new features were came into Pandanda, I got so excited! The quests feature was the most exciting. Thanks for creating Pandanda :)

I remember the day of friendship and at the time I started playing pandanda. it was complicated for me to understand but as I started to play more often then it was my favorite game. and i remember at Easter there were  many nice clothes and everything else. I hope you will find some of the game that will entertain me as pandanda and a lot of the children of Russia helped to improve the English who do not speak English and do not write.

We experienced some wonderful moments. We met new friends from different countries! We were able to improve their language skills in Pandanda. We made international friendships. We had a great time! I play Pandanda 4 years. I lived there many adventures and news. It was nice to see the snow, holidays, summer, they spend a few years in Pandanda.

I just wanted to thank you for everything you did for your Panda friends. You made Pandanda a great place, and Pandas loves Pandanda even when they were nonmembers. Pandanda was the only place where I felt all-right so It will be hard without it.
By the way,thanks for being an inspiration for me,I'll never forget Pandanda.

I'd like to thank you for all the good times I've had since I joined Pandanda. It has been one of the places where I have made many friends where there is a very big chance I will still be friends with in 20 years time, and that is definitely something that you should be proud of. I always had something fun to do in Pandanda when I was in there, it was a place to go when I was bored but not only a place to go when I was bored, it was a place to hang out and spend free time! It definitely was not a waste of time so I am happy that you helped me use my time wisely ;) It's so sad to see Pandanda closing and so many memories lost in the game... I hope that everyone working for Pandanda does great in life, though I am sure you all will!

Pandanda has become part of my life, so say goodbye to her as a member of my family.
Ever since I met Pandanda, I was online every day. It's only 495 days from 20 June 2011. But I made all the pandanda I learned a lot and gave me a lot in life. I have created some emotional connection, which I will never forget. I have had many wonderful experiences. A lot of joy, happiness, but also sadness. I found a lot of great friends here, that I have all the advice, as they, too, I think. 

I liked when you visited my treehouse and admired him, I liked our conversations about the joys and the sorrows. So glad I helped my friends, I like to participate in all party, I like playing with my friends and a moderator bunnies, ghosts and line four, glad doing quests, I'm often decorated by my treehouse, I am a changed clothes. I always looked forward to every event and festival in Pandanda. I've always been happy with my friends when Henry was online, I liked when he called us to his house, there was always immediate, and he very nice talk. Thank him for the beautiful words, a visit to my treehouse and publishing on his blog. 

So glad I did photos, I have hundreds of them, even I have a few paintings hanging in my room, and so on Pandanda never forget once when I have children, so they know that once their mother has played the most beautiful and best game in the world. I want to sincerely thank all my friends for our common beautiful moments spent on Pandanda.

Thank you for the opportunity that I could be part of an exceptional Pandanda, I remain here a piece of my heart, and Pandanda will always remain in my heart, I will never forget Henry. With great love, admiration, respect pandanda Thank you to the whole team and all those who participated in the development of Pandanda.  I will never forget and I will remember forever.

I wish you guys all the best of luck. Honestly, thanks for EVERYTHING, you guys have done. Made my life so fun, safe, and incredible. Thank you so much everyone!


There I made ​​new friends that I've finally met in real life. There we hung out when we could not see, Pandanda for us was and will always be one big family. The Pandanda made ​​a lot of pandas, and thus became a member of a large family of virtual communities.I play Pandanda since when no member, but everyone wants to buy it then there was no Quests. Pandanda means a lot because when I was sad, I went to Pandanda and immediately cheered. You all will be in great memories, my heart.

A few Pandanda Memory Videos:


Farewell Pandanda Friends

Here we are - the Farewell Party. It has been an incredible 4 years of fun and friendship. Each one of you who have participated in Pandanda have helped to make it a very special place, and I thank you all for that!

Thank you for all of the emails of support that you have sent me. I have read them all. Your offers of donations, suggestions of ways to keep Pandanda open, memories of happy times, expressions of sadness, compliments about the game, and even concern for me and the Moderators have been very touching, and much appreciated.

There is no need to worry about ol' Henry, the Moderators, and the rest of the Pandanda Staff and Team. We will be fine. We are sad, of course, as we know you all are. It is hard to lose something that means a lot to you.

We know that each of you will be fine, too! We hope that you will find something new and fun to do in the time that you used to spend in Pandanda. Read, write, dance, sing, exercise, play outside, explore new things, maybe even find a virtual world that is almost as fun as Pandanda!

Today is the very last day that you can send in any Pandanda memories that you want to share. Please send them to and make sure to include your Pandanda name. Anything received after midnight Pandanda Time today will not be seen.

And now, it's almost time for the big Farewell Party! At 11am Pandanda Time today, Sheriff Steele, Mod MoonGlow, and I will be visiting Pandanda. We are going to try to see as many pandas as we can, so we'll be traveling a lot, saying our goodbyes to our friends. But if, for some reason, we don't get to see you personally, we send out all our Pandanda thanks, love, and best wishes to you all!

Party on, all over the world Pandas!

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Pandanda Closure.

Hi friends, Luangatao here.

When you try to login in Pandanda on this sunday did you saw the message from the Pandanda Team?

Here is a pic about the message:

Well friends, we can talk now in PandaSpace, Facebook, Jot's Blog,...


Administrator Luangatao.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pandanda end video.

Howdy guys! here is a last video on my blog with memories

Happy Old times,
Administrator - jot33

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Memories on Pandanda!

Howdy guys! :(

I can not believe that pandanda ending on 28 October :'(
Therefore, this blog will still be work to work on Nov. 7
The memory of it will be here. Because here are photos pandanda.

Enjoy the rest have 7 days to pandanda. : '(
And even though the end pandanda so I have a level 48: (and do not get a dragon. If pandanda will longer i can have dragon. Yet not :(

I wish that there was pandanda at least 15 days longer :(

Administrator - jot33 :(

Pandanda End! :(

Pandanda Says Farewell
My dear Panda Pals,

It is with great sadness that I must announce the closure of  Pandanda, as of Sunday, October 28th 2012. Pandanda has been a labor of love for me and the Pandanda Team, and we are deeply saddened that due to financial reasons, we can no longer sustain ongoing development.

Over the past four years we have grown an amazing community and we will miss you all. Your enthusiasm and creativity has been such a joy to everyone on the Pandanda Team. Thank you to our loyal fans and members for all of your love and support over the years.

I know that many of you will be sad, disappointed, and even angry at this news. Those are normal and ok feelings to have. But I hope you all will use this final week of Pandanda to hang out with your friends and focus on the fun and excitement you've shared here. Talk and laugh about your favorite memories, take some pictures with your Pandanda friends in your favorite locations, and remember all of the good times!

I am going to set up some Pandanda Memories Pages here on my Blog. If you want to write down some of your favorite Pandanda memories and send them to me, I will add as many as I can to the Pandanda Memories pages. We will only be able to post memories in English, so if you write in another language, please translate to English before you send them. You can also send screenshots of you and your friends having a great time! Please send memories and pictures to

October 27th will still be Free Elite Member Day, so everyone will be able to decorate their treehouses and have friends over, and buy and wear Elite clothes for one last time.

In addition to Free Elite Member Day, we hope you will join us for one last party on Saturday, October 27th to celebrate how awesome it has been to be a panda and to say farewell one last time. I will let you know more details about the party later in the week, but you can expect to see me, Sheriff Steele, and maybe even some other Pandanda friends that haven't visited in a while!

With many happy memories,

Administrator - jot33

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pumpkin Festival!

Howdy Guys!
I have some pictures from Pumpkin Festival!
Festival start today, and will last 20 days!
Here are some pictures!

Bear Hollow

East Market Street

West Market Street

Prizes from Couldron of prizes!

Secret prize at The Parlour

Secret prize at East Market Street

2 bonus quests!

And at tree catalog are news things!

Administrator - jot33

It's Time for Pumpkin Festival!

Henry's blog - It's Time for Pumpkin Festival!

Check out all the pandas in their Halloween costumes visiting the Cauldron of Prizes. Yes, the Pumpkin Festival is in full swing in Pandanda Land. There are so many cool things to see and do!

The Pandanda citizens had decorated with pumpkins and vines, and you can hear spooky music and sounds in many rooms as you travel around Pandanda. They have even somehow managed to make it always night time - not the darkest night, but just dark enough to be a little spookier!

A magic mirror has appeared in Bear Hollow. I wonder what happens if you walk up to it? And make sure to visit Draco the Ghost in the Parlour. He has some Quests for you to complete. You will also find that some of the other Quest givers have some special Halloween Quests for you.

You will want to pick up all of the Halloween Candy you see laying around Pandanda. Then you can visit the Cauldron of Prizes in West Market Street to trade your candy for its awesome prizes. Yes, Black Panda Paint is back this year, and it is available to everyone, Elite members and non-members alike!

The House and Tree Catalog has been updated, including a couple of mysterious wallpapers for your treehouse, and some spiderwebs, too. And Farmer Ned still has a collection of jack-o-lanterns for sale. So get in there and decorate your treehouse for Halloween!

Oh yeah, I almost forgot! There is a secret prize hidden for you somewhere in Pandanda!  If you have trouble finding it, ask other players. You might even find some help by visiting the blogs in the Official Pandanda Blogroll!

Pumpkin on, Pandas!

Administrator - jot33

Pictures from Orange Day

Henry's blog - Pictures from Orange Day

Here are just some of the Orange Color Day pictures that you sent me last week. Remember, you can see all of them in the Orange Color Day album. Just click that link!

It's almost time for the Pumpkin Festival to begin! In a couple of hours the Pandanda citizens will have Pandanda decorated for Halloween. Draco the Ghost will be back in the Parlour with extra Quests for you. And Halloween Candy will be scattered all over Pandanda for you to collect, then trade to the Cauldron of Prizes at West Market Street for cool Festival prizes! I can't wait!

Party on, Pandas!

Administrator - jot33

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Pumpkin Festival Begins Wednesday!

Henry's blog - Pumpkin Festival Begins Wednesday!

Hey there, Panda Pals!

I must say, Halloween is certainly in the air in Pandanda! The Moderators have been telling me about all of the costumes they are seeing on pandas, and I've even seen some for myself. There are lots of cool Halloween costumes and clothes at Clothing Co. for Elite members and non-members, too.

Pandanda's Annual Pumpkin Festival will begin on Wednesday. During the Pumpkin Festival, there will be Halloween candy scattered all over Pandanda (except in treehouses).  When you pick up the candy, it will be put in your trick-or-treat pumpkin basket, which will show how many pieces of candy you have. You will be able to trade your candy for spooktacular prizes from the Cauldron of Prizes at West Market Street.

There are all kinds of spooky and special things that happen during the Pumpkin Festival. I don't want to spoil it for you if this is your first Pumpkin Festival, so I'm not going to reveal any more details. You'll just have to wait until Wednesday to see for yourself!

I haven't forgotten about the Orange Color Day pictures! I've already made an album that you can visit, and I'll post some of the pictures here in my Blog tomorrow.

Party on, Pandas!

Adminisrator - jot33

Monday, October 15, 2012

Don't Miss It!

Henry's blog - Don't Miss It!

Hi Friends!

Zing Ballyhoo has packed his suitcases, and is getting ready to travel away from Pandanda to look for more cool prizes. You still have a few more hours to get his final prize before he leaves, but you have to hurry!

Just collect 10 Golden Tickets that are scattered around Pandanda, then visit Zing at Treehouse Lobby to trade your tickets to him for his prize. Zing will be leaving by midnight Pandanda Time tonight (Sunday, October 14th), so don't wait!

Party on, Pandas!

Administrator - jot33

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Orange Panda Day!

Henry's blog -  Orange Panda Day!

Hooray, Orange Panda Day is here again! Let's turn Pandanda as orange as a Halloween jack-o-lantern by wearing orange Panda Paint and dressing in as much orange as we can get on our furry panda selves! Everyone can buy orange Panda Paint from Fitch at the Clothing Co. on East Market Street.

Orange Panda Day is a great way to start getting yourself ready for the fun of the Pumpkin Festival, which begins next Wednesday, October 17th. During the Pumpkin Festival, Halloween Candy will be scattered all over Pandanda Land for you to collect and trade for super Pumpkin Fest prizes.

During the Pumpkin Festival you can also look forward to some other awesome events:
  • October 22nd - Ghost Potion Day
  • October 24th  - Pandanda's 3rd Anniversary 
  • October 27th - Free Elite Member Day
  • October 30th - Costume Day
  • October 31st - Halloween
But today, I want to see you and your friends having lots of orange fun!  You can send me pictures of you and your friends celebrating Orange Panda Day. If you take a bunch of pictures, choose just one, or make a collage of photos into one image, then send it to me at, with Orange Panda Day in the subject line. Make sure to include your panda name in your email. I'll post some here on my blog, and put them all into a Facebook album.

Party on in ORANGE!

Administrator - jot33

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Clothing Catalog Update!

Henry's blog -  Clothing Catalog Update!

Hey all you fashionable pandas! I wanted to let you know that the Clothing Co. at East Market Street has gotten in a new shipment of cool-weather clothes, costumes, and other Halloween-themed items.

There are things for both Elite members and non-members, so get ready to shop! You can even find some cool orange-colored items to wear on Orange Day on Wednesday.

If your panda has reached its fourth birthday, the Clothing Co. now has the 4th Birthday Gift in stock. Sheriff Steele got his, and he thinks it is awesome! Sherman98cp was lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time, and got the scoop on the 4th Birthday Gift for his blogSherman's Pandanda Cheats. Way to go, Sherman!

Party on, Pandas!

Administrator - jot33

Zing's Third Prize!

Henry's blog - Zing's Third Prize!

Hi Friends!
It's Monday, which means Zing Ballyhoo has a new prize for you! This is the last prize he will have before he packs up his tent and leaves Pandanda to travel the world looking for new prizes.

To get Zing's prize, just collect 10 Golden Tickets that he has hidden all over Pandanda (except in treehouses, of course!) Once you have 10 Golden Tickets, pay a visit to Zing at Tree House Lobby. He will give you a choice of either his prize, or a sack full of coins. Choose carefully, because you can only choose one!

Mark your calendars for Orange Color Day this Wednesday, October 10th. We want to turn all of Pandanda as orange as a Halloween pumpkin, so make sure you have Orange Panda Paint, and check your closet for all of your orange clothes and accessories! I think Orange Day was the very first Color Day we had in Pandanda, way back in 2010. What a great tradition!

Administrator - jot33

Monday, October 8, 2012

Skippers and friends!

Skippy is so a cool friend!
On Misty Hill and Darby Field we had a lot of fun! :D
This is Best new moderator! :)

Best! :)

Administrator - jot33

New Zing Ballyhoo Prize!

Good morning pandas, today is Monday and the day you exchange your ticket for a prize of Zing and last prize this time he is in Pandanda.

The prize is a:


                                                                   The background

Here are pictures:

Administrator - jot33

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Halloween Fashion Contest!

Howdy guys!
This is Fashion poster for everyone!

(Click to picture for enlarge!)

Administrator - jot33

More Dress Like Your Friends Day Pictures!

Henry's blog  - More Dress Like Your Friends Day Pictures!

Here are some more pictures from Dress Like Your Friends Day this past Thursday. It looks like you all had a lot of fun!

Lolusqa and friends
Penguitt and friends
Sherman and friends
faips23 and sweetlemon5y
jot33 and stave
Morty and friends

Make sure to mark your calendar for Orange Color Day next Wednesday, October 10th. We will make Pandanda look like a pumpkin, with everyone dressed in orange!

You've got a couple more days to get Zing Ballyhoo's prize this week. Just collect 10 Golden Tickets, then visit Zing at the Treehouse Lobby to exchange your tickets for his prize. Choose carefully, because you can only choose one of his prizes each week! He will have a brand new prize for you on Monday.

Party on, Pandas!

Administrator - jot33

Friday, October 5, 2012

New First Music Video!

Howdy Guys!
Here is a new first music video with jot33! ;)
Watch it :)

Administrator - jot33

Dress Like Your Friends Day!

Henry's blog - Dress Like Your Friends Day!

Wow, I feel like I am seeing double...and triple, and quadruple.... I've already gotten several pictures from pandas dressing like their friends today! It is really cool to see you all working together to find clothes that lots of you have alike.

Check out these pictures from some of my friends. Maybe they will inspire you and your friends!
Gabrijel3, patrik226, Sherman98cp
Vladetschi, Gabrijel3, Lolusqa, patrik226, Kevinawsome
OTIDAVI, izuta12
superasya, redgurl
You can still send me a picture of you and your friends dressed alike! Just email it to

Have fun with your friends!

Administrator - jot33